Thursday, 27 February 2014


आयुर्वेद पाठ्यक्रमों की प्रवेश परीक्षा 22 जून को

देहरादून: आयुर्वेदिक व होम्योपैथिक कॉलेजों में बीएएमएस/बीएचएचएस पीजी (आयुर्वेद) पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए यूएपीएमटी व यूपीजीएमईई परीक्षा 22 जून को आयोजित की जाएगी।


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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Uttarakhand Postal Circle Recruitment 2014 .Last date 27 march 2013

डाक विभाग में बंपर भर्ती, करें आवेदन

ऐसे होगा चयन, ऑनलाइन करें आवेदन

इन पदों पर चय‌न लिखित और कंप्युटर दक्षता परीक्षा के द्वारा होगी।

लिखित परीक्षा में उतीर्ण उम्मीदवार को कंप्यूटर दक्षता परीक्षा के लिए बुलाया जाएगा। इन पदों पर आवेदन केवल ऑनलाइन भरा जाएगा।
आवेदन संबंधी अधिक जानकारी के लिए उम्मीदवार तथा आवेदन करने के लिए पर लॉग ऑन करें।

Monday, 24 February 2014

बेरोजगारों पर नौकरी की बरसात -

 टीईटी पास बीएड प्रशिक्षितों के लिए मौजूदा भर्ती प्रक्रिया में एक हजार पद का इजाफा 1810 हजार पदों पर होंगी भर्तियां,टीईटी पास बीएड प्रशिक्षितों की भर्ती के पदों में एक हजार का इजाफा, एलटी शिक्षकों के तकरीबन 4000 पदों पर प्राविधिक शिक्षा परिषद करेगा भर्ती

Uttarakhand LT (Assistant Teacher) recruitment 2014

Finally the Uttarakhand LT recruitment 2014 has been initiated through the Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education Roorkee (UBTER). 60% will be direct recruitment.
 Post- TGT or Assistant Teacher LT grade (Pay band 9300-4800-34800)

 Minimum requirements:
Graduation plus teacher training course like B.Ed/LT diploma/integrated B.Ed etc.
Registration in the employment exchange of Uttarakhand by 31st March 2014
1-BPEd candidates will be recruited according to old rules
2-And Art and home science teacher recruitment will depend upon the rules set by NCTE
 Age: 21-40 years (as on 1st January 2014)
Recruitment Process: for direct recruitment there will be an objective type written test of 200 marks with 25% negative marking
100 marks for Teaching aptitude, reasoning and GK
100 marks for subject knowledge
 Fees: no fees has to be paid
 Total posts are divided into two regions- Kumaun and Garhwal
 Last date: 31st March 2014

Click here to download the vacancy details, application form, advertisement, reservation form and any other clarification.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

उत्तराखंड विद्यालयी शिक्षा परिषद, रामनगर (नैनीताल) डिप्लोमा इन एलीमैन्टरी एजूकेशन (डी.एल.एड.) प्रशिक्षण प्रवेश परीक्षा-2014

 उत्तराखंड राज्य के सभी 13  जनपदों के जिला शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थानों (DIETs)/जिला संसाधन केन्द्रों (DRCs ) में वर्ष 2014 से प्रारंभ होने वाले स्ववितपोषित द्विवर्षीय डिप्लोमा इन एलीमैन्टरी एजूकेशन (डी.एल.एड.) प्रशिक्षण हेतु चयन के लिए उत्तराखंड राज्य के पात्र अ यर्थियों से आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किये जाते हैं।

Friday, 14 February 2014

Group C (Samuh G) .IN: -Recruitment 2014 Notification 2367 Various Govt Posts Last date is: 31-03-2014

UBTER Roorkee recruitment  2367 various jobs in Uttarakhand. recruitment 2014
Job Title: Total vacancies- 2367 posts 
Junior Office Assistant
Personnel Assistant
  1. DEO
  2. Supervisors
  3. Lab Technician
  4. Lab Assistant
  5. Steno
  6. Assistant Agri Officer
  7. Draftsman
  8. Junior Engineer
  9. Fitter
  10. Electrician
  11. Investigator
  12. Instructor
  13. Assistant Professor
  14. Home Guards ......etc

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Professor jobs at Uttarakhand Open University in Nainital, Feb 2014 Last Date: March 12, 2014

Uttarakhand Open UniversityProfessorNo. of Positions:  08

Apply for 1280 lecturer posts in UP,Last Date of submission of Application Form: July 04, 2014

1. Hindi: 76 posts
2. English: 79 posts
3. Maths: 72 posts
4. Science: 01 post
5. Physics: 71 posts
6. Chemistry: 71 posts
7. Biology: 71 posts
8. Physical Education: 80 posts
9. Education: 146 posts
10. Urdu: 71 posts
11. Social Science: 01 post
12. Social Science-1: 70 posts
13. Social Science-2: 70 posts
14. Economics: 01 post
15. History: 02 posts
16. Civics: 01 post
17. Arts: 71 posts
18. Social Work: 70 posts
19 Statistics: 71 posts
2. Home Science: 71 posts
20. Sanskrit: 04 posts
22. Geography: 01 post
23. Psychology: 73 posts
24. Psychology in Regional Psychological Center: 36 posts

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Uttarakhand Group C Recruitment 2014 for Various Departments Vacant Posts ...

 Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education, Govt. Polytechnic Pithowala campus, Dehradun (UBTER) invites Applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for filling up the following vacancies of Group-CiLast date of receipt of Application forms: 31 March, 2014 --

Recruitment of Primary teachers in Uttarakhand 2014 (Vishist BTC 2014) Last date; 22nd Feb 2013

First of all, sorry for the delay in this post.
So with the new CM in our state and the coming election, we would be expecting flurry of vacancies in our state.
The notification for the VBTC 2014 is out.
 Total number of posts: 980
 Minimum requirements:
Graduation plus Bed/DEd and CTET/UTET
Registration in the employment exchange
21-40 years of age
 Selection procedure:
year wise and merit based on the formulae (given in the adv)

 For downloading the form and other details please click here

Recruitment of constables in Uttarakhand Police 2014 Last date: 1st March 2013

Uttarakhand State police department is going to recruit for the following posts:
 1- Male Police constable (129 posts) 2- Male PAC constable (196 posts)
3- Fireman (25 posts)  Minimum requirements:
Age- 18-22 years 12th Pass
Uttarakhand domicile and registration in employment exchange
Physical fitness Fees: treasury challan of INR 60 (for Gen) and 15 for others
 Selection procedure: Written test and physical fitness test
 One candidate can apply from one center only
 For more details click here

Recruitment of Sub Inspectors (Up Nirikshak) in Uttarakhand Police 2014 Last date: 6th March 2013

Uttarakhand State police department is going to recruit for the post of Sub Inspectors (SI)
1- Up Nirikshak Nagar Police (257 posts)
2- Up Nirikshak Abhisuchana (39 posts)
3- Platoon Commander PAC (43 posts)